Know your value, and the value you seek to create and contribute at work
It’s very human to want to feel valued – valued in life, and at work. What is valuable, isn’t the same for everyone. Value is something you can create for self and others; and value is something you have and can contribute. Understanding the different elements of value, opens the way for powerful conversations and more meaningful experiences of work. (See article, A value-based approach to shaping your workscape)
What work brings to you, will depend a great deal on what you bring to work.
~ Anon
Who is it for?
This workshop is for individuals or teams who want to:
- Have better conversations about what value they get and give at work
- Be active in shaping their workscape experience
- Cultivate norms of reciprocity in their workscape culture
Typical participants include:
- A manager and their team who want to instill a collective norm of value exchange
- A team of managers who want to address working conditions with value-creation conversations
- A group of individuals (without their managers) who want to shape a work experience that is full of value
What does it cover?
The workshop progresses from concepts to practical activities to use in the workplace. Themes include:
- Making sense of value at work and its potential for happiness or conflict
- Frameworks for value exchange and value creation decisions
- Practical ideas for value creation
- Conditions of empathy and courage for creating mutual value
How will it help?
You will gain:
- Potential to achieve higher levels of satisfaction at work
- Framework for exploring value exchange and value creation activities
- Insights about how undeclared and unmet expectations about value cause conflict
- Practical advice for value creation for immediate and long-term perspectives
- Inspiration to work (and live) from a value-exchanging orientation
- Set of Value Exchange Cards (Employee Version) for each person
What’s involved?
- 3-hour session
- Small group (5-12 people)
- Interactive, hands-on group activity
- At your site or off-site, also as telepresence/remote
- Facilitated conversation and personal reflection
- Safe space to explore and challenge old ways of thinking
- Making real plans to take away and implement
What does it cost?
In-house session: Price on application
What others say
Having used the Value Exchange Activity in a brilliant workshop with Helen – it got people thinking and revealed how much they cared about their work and how low they valued income. Back in the office, Managers picked up the Value Exchange Activity in their own teams to have a deeper conversation about what matters.
~ Michelle O’Sullivan, Senior Manager, Organisational Development, Land Use Victoria
Making sense of what each individual values may not be as straightforward as we think. Value lies in the eye of the beholder, and what is valuable for me may not be for you. This interactive, hands-on (virtual) workshop, wonderfully facilitated by Helen, is a great opportunity to understand the different elements of value and to start conversations about what is valuable for people at work. I will definitely use this tool to understand what my stakeholders value (or not) and how to align that to my change strategies.
~ Maria Recaman, Change Manager
The team was so glad to have experienced the Value Exchange activity led by Helen. It was an engaging session that got people thinking in fresh ways. She sowed seeds to level up our capability in what we choose to value, and how we make decisions to create value. What we learnt will have ongoing impact for individuals, and for the team. Thank you!
~ Steven Portelli, Senior Director, Community Services Directorate, ACT Government
training, course