To help you when navigating new territory and making design choices for learning and workscape change

A collection of resources and tools to use and stimulate thinking: made by the people at Questo, and others whom we recommend.

Simply reading an article, trying a new technique or watching a video can be a full meaningful self-directed learning experience. These resources cover a range of knowledge areas in which we are subject-matter-experts. We enthusiastically encourage you to pick from this buffet and enjoy the simplest of learning experiences.


Made by our people

Design for Learning Experiences

  • Learning Event Canvas A tool for capturing and exploring initial thoughts of the design of a Learning Event.
  • Learning Design Principles An explanation about Principles and Heuristics to apply in the design and delivery of Learning Events.

Practices for Effectiveness

Team practices (incorporating some individual practices too)

Individual practices

  • Self unLimited™  An approach to self-management and self-leadership for personal workscape .
  • Writing Better Emails Tips and advice for improving the quality of the emails you write so they are better for your readers, and you get the action/response you seek.
  • Digital Notetaking and using MS OneNote™ A look into note-taking activities. Plus features of value in MS OneNote to support those activities and rules-of-thumb for structuring and organising notes.

Making and leading change

For Team Leaders and other change agents:

For Organisational Change Management Practitioners:

Design for Experiences of Changing


Creative Commons License

Except where noted, the above content is licenced to Questo under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


If you got value from any these resources, your appreciation is very welcome. Tell us about how it went, and subsidise Helen’s coffee pleasure to help fuel the creation process.

Buy Me A Coffee


Made by others

Team workscape change

Team practices

Individual practices

Leading and shaping change

Designing changes

  • Culture Map Design tool for assessing, map and designing cultures in organisations.
  • Empathy Map Design tool for a deep-dive into the underlying motivations of people to uncover why they are functioning the way they are.
  • Nudge Book by Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein on ‘decision architecture’ that can nudge people towards best decisions. (To be used wisely without manipulative intentions!)

Approaches to changing

  • Six Principles of Persuasion Explanation and video from Dr. Robert Cialdini describing the 6 Principles of Persuasion explored in his classic book Influence.
  • A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making Article by Dave Snowden & Mary Boone about “the Cynefin framework, which allows executives to see things from new viewpoints, assimilate complex concepts, and address real-world problems and opportunities.”
  • Conversations of Change: A guide to implementing workplace change Book by Dr Jen Frahm. Helen was interviewed by Dr Jen and appears in Chapter 12 ‘Future of work practices and change management’.
  • Hacking for Agile Change Book by Lena Ross. A must-have guide for every change leader and practitioner, with over 50 practical and proven change hacks you can apply in your change initiative on any project type and in any organisation.
  • Change Management: The Essentials Book by Lena Ross. Hailed as the “bible of change management”, this is a practical and insightful guide for emerging and seasoned change professionals and leaders of change.
  • Agile Change Playbook by Dr Jen Frahm and Lena Ross. 30+ agile change practices to apply regardless of the ‘change methodology’ or ‘framework’ you have in place in your organisation. Intentionally a ‘playbook’ as not all of the tools will work for you in all situations; play with them and work out which one’s suit, and which ones you might use on another initiative.