Explore and apply knowledge on Hope-Trust-Compassion-Stability Factors

With our human-centred design orientation, we use four Key Factors to guide and shape decisions about changing experiences for teams. Here is a collection resources on these Key Factors.


Four Key Factors: Hope, Trust, Compassion, Stability

Cartooon illustrations by Simon Kneebone

Cartoon drawing by Simon Kneebone of Hope, Trust, Compassion and Stability key Factors


Introduction to the Key Factors

A short video explaining the key factors as The Heart of Change Management.


Other Resources

  • Poster of Key Factors  A visual reminder of the four Key Factors in designing human experiences.

     Request Poster     

  • Set of four Key Factor Cards available separately from full Change Design Principles Cards set, available to purchase.

     Buy Cards     


We can help you with one-to-one, or team conversations based on the Key Factors concept.  In our experience powerful insights can emerge to guide you in decisions to make and directions to take. Contact us to explore further.


The factors of Hope, Trust, Compassion and Stability originate from GALLUP’s research on What Followers want from Leaders, as described in Rath, Tom, & Conchie, Barry. (2008). Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow: Gallup Press.